If you’re just getting started running a new business, you can be at an advantage if you understand the power of digital marketing and how to use it effectively in your business. In order to implement a successful digital strategy, you'll need a website, an email list, and social media platforms to spread your message. Once you have those, you can start implementing the digital marketing tips below.
Set Digital Marketing Goals
First and foremost, you need to know why you are doing any one action, starting with a goal. If you have set up goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART), it’ll be easy to track. Also, it’ll make it easier for you to take smaller, actionable steps based on the goals you’ve already set.
Actionable steps keep you motivated. They show you the exact task you need to do, and when you need to do it by, in order to get to your goal.
Get Smart About Your SEO
Search engine optimization involves both on-page and off-page methods to help your audience find you. These methods include using the correct keywords in specific ways all over your site. For example, using the right keywords in titles, alt tags, and headers on an article or blog post to help the search engines find you.
You may have the best product or service in the world, but if your audience can't find you, being in business can eventually become unprofitable for you.
Pick the Right Keywords and Phrases
Keywords are topics, words, and phrases searchers enter into search engines. Using keywords and keyword phrases is part of SEO, but it’s not everything. However, the more you study keywords and phrases, the more content ideas you will come up with based on those keywords.
The more content you have, the easier it will be to attract your ideal customer.
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Consistently Share Content From Your Website
You always want to publish a variety of new and original content on your site. But you must take it a step further; you also need to share that content more than once after it’s been published, to make sure it gets all the attention it needs and deserves and brings traffic to your site.
Content is king. And the more content you have, the more visible you become.
Use Social Media Marketing
No matter what social media platform you use–it should always be the one your audience uses–it’s only a tool to help you market your products and services. If your audience is there, you should be there too. And if you're not, you're missing out on a valuable marketing tool.
Social media isn't a place for you to always pitch your business, either. You should create value for your audience, for instance, by sharing useful information. Remember, your social media platform is your audience... your community.
Set Up an Email Autoresponder
No matter what others may say, you need to build your email list. You also need to invest in an autoresponder. This will enable you to send automated messages to your audience that can give them information, bring them back to your site, and help you promote your products.
Sending emails is a personalized way to nurture your audience. Nurturing keeps them coming back for more.
Participate in Discussions Online
Whether on your social media platforms, a discussion board you’ve set up, or someone else’s, it’s a good idea to engage with them and take part in discussions online so that you can become recognized as an advanced thought leader.
If you add value, without being salesy of course, people will remember you as the expert and look you up if they need a product or service.
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Use Different Formats and Types of Content
Don’t bore your audience by only publishing text articles. Use images, infographics, video, and technology, like interactive quizzes and assessments. You’ll get more attention and make your information memorable.
Mix things up a little. No one likes the boredom of monotony.
Respond to Your Audience
You don’t want communication to be one way only (you to them) as if you’re a lecturer. Instead, you want to work more collaboratively with your audience and respond personally to questions and concerns. Your social media platforms are a great way to do this. Be prompt in answering questions or responding to comments. If your customers feel taken care of, they'll keep coming back.
If you need to, hire a social media manager (one of the many services my agency offers).
Automate Collecting Reviews
One way to establish trust and boost SEO is to ask your customers to review your products and give a testimonial. Use your autoresponder to help you get this done in a more efficient way. If you offer excellent service, your clients will be more than happy to give you a great testimonial or review.
Great testimonials and reviews build trust and credibility for your business. A great reputation goes a long way in the business world.
Pay for Advertisement
Once you have a clear idea of who your audience is and you've established your SEO and content, you’ll want to advertise on your social platforms or via Google Ads. This is the fastest way to advance your business, attract new customers, and generate traffic to your site. However, you need to understand it fully. What you don't want is to spend money on ads that don't work because you weren't strategic with your marketing.
You should always know the who, what, where, and why before starting an advertising campaign. It'll save you money and headaches.
Digital marketing levels the playing field. It enables both small and big businesses to compete for customers and an audience base together, and both can, and do, succeed. You just need to understand your audience, what they want, and how you can provide it for them, and do it in a way that they understand.
If what you read in this post resonates with you, but you just don't know how or where to start, or how to implement these practices; contact me here so we can discuss your business marketing needs. I'll be glad to get on a call with you to see how I can help!
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